Thursday, September 15, 2016

Skin Healing

When skin is injured or lost, regrown skin has different appearance than original skin. I think it is possible to re-grow skin same as before injury because once I have seen a case where a small circular portion of skin was lost and I observed skin grown from one portion of circumference of the hole about to fill the hole (it looked like a lid) but could not join with remaining circumference due to dead skin cells in those areas. This grown skin looked same as original skin before loosing. Due to dead skin cells at the boundary, it was lost and skin with different look grew and sealed the hole.

I think the solution is to use a special material which does not react with any part of body, is very plastic and also like rubber to cover the flesh temporarily to protect the wound and remove the dead skin cells from all the boundaries. The wound must be properly cleaned and also surrounding area of the wound and then bandage will be required to keep in place the protective material and protect the wound from further damage. Then the skin cells may regrow same as the original to cover the injury.